Data set schema

Get information about the structure of a data set, its data points and any linked data sets.

GET https://ip-or-hostname/io/api/1/dataset/:id/schema
curl \
	-G \
	-d 'key=:apiKey' \

Get the structure of a given data set where:

  • :apiKey is the API key to use for access (see below)
  • :id is the data set id (a UUID), per the /datasets API. The data set ID can also be found in the Data set inspector of the Data tab for the data set.

Query parameters

  • key string Required Header
    The API key which will allow access. Note that this option can be also be provided as an HTTP header (also with the name key).
  • role string
    The name of the role that should be used for access (if assigned to the API key - if the role is not available for the API key no access will be granted). If not provided then all roles available to the API key will be used.
  • roles string[]
    Similar to role but allows multiple roles to be specified.

Body parameters



The JSON result from the server will contain the following information about a data set:

    "computed": [                  // Array of computed values owned by this data set
			"description": string, // Description
            "id": string,          // c-{number} - id of the computed value
            "name": string         // Name of the computed value
    "datapoints": [                // Array of data points owned by this data set
			"description": string, // Description
            "id": string,          // dp-{number} - id of the data point
            "name": string,        // Data point name
			"type": string         // Data point type (number, sequence, etc)
    "description": string,         // Data set description
    "links": [{                    // Array of links from this data set
		"description": string,     // Description
        "id": string,              // l-{number} - id of the link
        "name": string,            // Link name
        "target": {
            "id": string           // Linked data set's id (UUID)
        "computed": [],            // Array of computed values - as above
        "datapoints": [],          // Array of data points - as above
        "links": []                // Array of linked values - as above
    "name": string,                // Data set name
    "table": [                     // Column information about the table to be displayed
            "data": string,        // Location of the data for the data to be displayed in dotted object notation
            "id": string,          // Data point name to show in this column
            "link": null | string, // Link id if the data belongs to a linked data set. Comma delimited
            "name": string         // Name of the column


The following example shows an API return for a CloudTables application that has two data sets available, one which contains information about Airports and another about Flights:

	"computed": [],
	"datapoints": [{
		"id": "dp-11",
		"name": "Flight number"
	"description": "",
	"links": [{
		"id": "l-5",
		"name": "From",
		"target": {
			"id": "f8b948bc-d409-11eb-b875-1b15216b0d99"
		"computed": [],
		"datapoints": [{
			"id": "dp-8",
			"name": "Name"
		"links": []
	}, {
		"id": "l-6",
		"name": "Destination",
		"target": {
			"id": "f8b948bc-d409-11eb-b875-1b15216b0d99"
		"computed": [],
		"datapoints": [{
			"id": "dp-8",
			"name": "Name"
		"links": []
	"name": "Flights",
	"table": [{
		"data": "dp-11",
		"id": "dp-11",
		"link": null,
		"name": "Flight number"
	}, {
		"data": "l-5[].dp-8",
		"id": "dp-8",
		"link": "l-5",
		"name": "Departure Airport"
	}, {
		"data": "l-6[].dp-8",
		"id": "dp-8",
		"link": "l-6",
		"name": "Arrival Airport"
	"success": true