.datasets(): Promise<IDatasetInfo[]>
Get summary information about the available datasets (note that the roles applied in the constructor can restrict access so certain data sets may not be shown).
This method returns a Promise
which will resolve to an object that contains information about the available data sets in the following structure:
"datasets": [
"deleteCount": number, // Number of rows that have been deleted in this data set
"id": string, // UUID - the identifier for the data set
"insertCount": number, // Number of rows which have been inserted to this data set
"lastData": string, // ISO8061 - last updated date / time
"name": string, // Name of the data set
"readCount": number, // Number of times rows have been read from the data set
"rowCount": number, // Number of rows in the data set
"updateCount": number // Number of update / edit operations on the data set
// ...
The following example shows an API return for a CloudTables application that has two data sets available, one which contains information about Airports and another about Flights:
const api = new CloudTablesApi(':apiKey', {
domain: ':domainOrIp'
let result = await api.datasets();
Results in the following JSON:
"datasets": [{
"deleteCount": 4,
"id": "f8b948bc-d409-11eb-b875-1b15216b0d99",
"insertCount": 13,
"lastData": "2021-09-15T15:58:49.577Z",
"name": "Airports",
"readCount": 60,
"rowCount": 9,
"updateCount": 78
}, {
"deleteCount": 12,
"id": "cef7cca0-d40a-11eb-bd20-13c4b0dc5a8b",
"insertCount": 14,
"lastData": "2021-10-12T10:23:54.139Z",
"name": "Flights",
"readCount": 252,
"rowCount": 2,
"updateCount": 35