New in CloudTables: File and image upload

Author: Allan Jardine 10th February 2023

I'm delighted to announce the availability of the latest feature in CloudTables - upload of files and images. This feature is available in all plans for CloudTables, with the amount of storage differing for the various plans. Additionally, the Enterprise plan has the option of specifying your own S3 storage service.

To use the new upload ability of CloudTables, on the Data tab for your data set, click the button to add a new data point and select Image or File. The behavior of both is very similar, although the image type has additional display options. For files you can display a link that allows the file to be downloaded, or just information about the file, while for images there is also the option to display a thumbnail of the image and to show the image in a lightbox when clicked.

In the example below, we have a list of the countries where we currently provide automatic language support for in CloudTables (get in touch if you are interested in others being added), showing the country name, continent (which is a linked table), code and flag. The flag can be clicked to show in a lightbox.

Both files and images have various options for upload validators including the number of files which can be attached to a single data point, the file size and file extensions.

As noted in the introduction, the Enterprise plan for CloudTables provides the option of being able to use your own S3 compatible storage service should you wish to host files on your own infrastructure (e.g. on AWS S3, CloudFlare R2 or any of the other compatible services). This can be particularly useful if you need to store more files than is possible in the quotas available for our plans.

I hope you find this these new features useful, and as always, if you have any feedback on CloudTables please get in touch.